
Governance voor Tableau

Toegang tot data is – voor iedereen en overal – een zakelijke vereiste. Data bieden antwoorden op de meest dringende zakelijke uitdagingen van vandaag, zoals de noodzaak om meer te doen met minder. Maar veel data moeten nog worden ontsloten. In deze gids leggen we uit hoe governance in Tableau vertrouwen creëert door middel van

Governance for Tableau

Access to data—by everyone, everywhere—is a business imperative. The answers to today’s most pressing business challenges, like the need to do more with less, lie in the data, just waiting to be uncovered. This guide will explain how governance in Tableau creates trust and confidence by establishing controls, roles, and repeatable processes across three main

Lifecycle Security for Legacy Linux Platforms

It’s a common challenge for network equipment companies: The priority is creating breakthrough innovations, not supporting and maintaining legacy software on deployed equipment. But the unfortunate consequence, all too often, is a buildup of technical debt, higher security risks, and unstable software platforms. In the case of one long-term Wind River® customer, a network equipment

Five ways to align the agile enterprise

Business Agility is the ability to compete and thrive in the digital age by responding quickly to market changes and emerging opportunities. Achieving this agility requires everyone involved in delivering solutions to use Lean, Agile and DevOps practices to continuously create innovative, high quality products and services ahead of competition. From knowmad mood we co-create

Threat Intelligence : quand, quoi et comment ?

Bon nombre d’organisations collectent de grandes quantités de données et d’informations sur les menaces, mais considèrent bien souvent que leur utilisation dans le cadre de leurs activités est difficile. La Threat Intelligence (TI), quant à elle, rassemble des données, des informations et des analyses détaillées, dans le but de fournir aux services de sécurité des

Uncategorized Kaspersky

Financial services in a changed world

Is Your Company Ready to Support the New Ways of Working—for Customers and Employees? Globalization and digitization were transforming the way we work even before the global COVID 19 pandemic, but going forward, flexible hybrid workspaces will be the norm. With that comes the expectation of equity and inclusiveness for employees, and more personalized, meaningful