
Digital engagement best practices

Businesses worldwide have seen a massive acceleration in demand for digital products and services. And 80% of customers now consider their experience with a company to be as important as its product. That means companies must engage smarter — combining the best of AI and human support so customers and employees get what they need

In che modo Confluent completa Apache Kafka®

Apache Kafka è alla base delle architetture di dati moderne, ma questa tecnologia open-source non offre alle aziende tutto ciò di cui hanno bisogno per andare rapidamente in produzione e per gestire in modo completo i dati in tempo reale. . Per poter connettere , elaborare e rispondere ai dati in movimento in tutti gli

Assicurare il futuro attraverso i dati

C’è una nuova generazione di società assicurative che si sta collegando con i clienti online anziché tramite broker e agenti tradizionali. Offrono un’esperienza on-demand altamente personalizzata con polizze personalizzate e gestione dei sinistri self-service più conveniente ed economicamente vantaggiosa per i clienti rispetto alle assicurazioni tradizionali.

The automated enterprise

The pace and scale of modern business innovation is increasing. Many industries are experiencing widespread disruption. Digitally connected customers demand more at a faster pace. New competition comes from outside of traditional market segments. These trends place competitive pressures on businesses.

Hybrid Cloud Backup For Dummies

“The benefits of the public cloud are significant. But with it comes challenges, especially related to data protection, management and security. You need a Modern Data Protection platform to match your evolving data protection needs. Get this NEW Hybrid Cloud Backup For Dummies e-book to learn how you can ease management complexities, lower costs and

The 2022 Hornetsecurity ransomware attacks analysis

Most IT professionals would agree that ransomware attacks are an IT department’s worst nightmare. Successful ransomware attacks bring a company’s operation to a grinding halt, making critical data and applications inaccessible. They also expose organizations to huge fines if sensitive information is compromised. This year’s edition of the ransomware attacks survey collected data from over