
Mastering email in a modern contact centre

HOW TO BUILD A MORE ROBUST EMAIL STRATEGY: Pinpoint which use cases make the most successful email interactions Use agentless notifications set to activate through “if-then” criteria Prioritise emails like warranty expiration notices over promotional campaigns Email has evolved over the years. Even if it’s already part of your contact centre strategy for customer experience

Digital engagement best practices

Businesses worldwide have seen a massive acceleration in demand for digital products and services. And 80% of customers now consider their experience with a company to be as important as its product. That means companies must engage smarter — combining the best of AI and human support so customers and employees get what they need

Cinque passi per guidare il Customer Engagement digitale

Il Customer Engagement digitale si sta evolvendo rapidamente. Quest’anno i clienti destineranno il 25% in più della propria spesa verso quelle realtà in grado di compiere correttamente la trasformazione digitale. Le chat sul web, le app di messaggistica social e i chatbot hanno un potenziale enorme in quanto a engagement e supporto dei clienti. Tuttavia,

Guida all’acquisto per contact center

Trend e tecnologie che indirizzano le Customer ed Employee Experience del futuro L’inizio del 2022 cade a due anni da quello della pandemia di COVID-19. Oggi è ormai chiaro: la pandemia globale ha cambiato per sempre il modo in cui viviamo, lavoriamo e conduciamo le nostre attività. I responsabili della Customer Experience (CX) stanno assegnando

The State of Customer Experience

The State of Customer Experience is an ongoing series of consumer and business research related to customer experience (CX). This is the second global survey, executed in April and May 2021 on behalf of Genesys by an independent research firm. It includes insights from 2,629 consumers and 690 CX executives across multiple industries drawn from

The Connected Customer Experience: CX defines brand success for consumers today

The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly changed the ways in which people live, work and interact with friends, colleagues and businesses. In this new global report, Genesys surveyed over 11,000 consumers across the US, Latin America, Europe and Asia-Pacific to understand how the pandemic affected people’s health, happiness, and social and professional interactions — and how businesses