
Governance per Tableau

Consentire a tutti l’accesso ai dati, ovunque si trovino, è indispensabile per le aziende. Oggi le risposte alle principali sfide aziendali, come la necessità di ottenere di più con meno risorse, provengono dai dati: dobbiamo solo scoprirle. Questa guida spiega come la governance in Tableau genera affidabilitàe sicurezza definendo controlli, ruoli e processi ripetibili in

Everest Group Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) and Unstructured Document Processing Products PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2023

IDP products find a wide variety of use cases from different business functions and verticals: finance, HR, customer experience, legal and IT. IDP adoption not only helps enterprises achieve cost savings, but also improve their workforce productivity and employee and customer experience. In this study, we assess IDP software products that leverage AI/cognitive capabilities and

Haal het meeste uit je data-infrastructuur met Tableau

Elk bedrijf is tegenwoordig een databedrijf en dit heeft grote impact op de manier waarop data worden beheerd. Processen die vroeger geschikt waren om data vast te leggen, op te slaan, te verwerken en te beheren, zijn achterhaald door de groei in volume en de verscheidenheid aan bedrijfsdata. Tegelijkertijd kwamen hierbij beveiligingsproblemen in de informatie-architecturen

Governance voor Tableau

Toegang tot data is – voor iedereen en overal – een zakelijke vereiste. Data bieden antwoorden op de meest dringende zakelijke uitdagingen van vandaag, zoals de noodzaak om meer te doen met minder. Maar veel data moeten nog worden ontsloten. In deze gids leggen we uit hoe governance in Tableau vertrouwen creëert door middel van

Governance for Tableau

Access to data—by everyone, everywhere—is a business imperative. The answers to today’s most pressing business challenges, like the need to do more with less, lie in the data, just waiting to be uncovered. This guide will explain how governance in Tableau creates trust and confidence by establishing controls, roles, and repeatable processes across three main

Lifecycle Security for Legacy Linux Platforms

It’s a common challenge for network equipment companies: The priority is creating breakthrough innovations, not supporting and maintaining legacy software on deployed equipment. But the unfortunate consequence, all too often, is a buildup of technical debt, higher security risks, and unstable software platforms. In the case of one long-term Wind River® customer, a network equipment

Five ways to align the agile enterprise

Business Agility is the ability to compete and thrive in the digital age by responding quickly to market changes and emerging opportunities. Achieving this agility requires everyone involved in delivering solutions to use Lean, Agile and DevOps practices to continuously create innovative, high quality products and services ahead of competition. From knowmad mood we co-create