
The Next Value Accelerator for IT

The COVID-19 pandemic has created several new difficulties for global workforces and brought many existing challenges into sharp relief. For the first time, tens of millions of people are suddenly working in relative isolation amid varying circumstances. They might be at their primary or secondary home, caring for parents or children, or even on a

Entity Management Software Buyer’s Guide

As purchases of B2B solutions have increased in recent years, it’s natural for stakeholders to seek out certain features they believe will best serve their organization’s needs, or at least solve an immediate problem or conflict. However, the evaluation criteria involved in these decisions tends to vary based on the stakeholder’s role, function and geography,

A Buyer’s Guide to Board Management Software

To be truly impactful, today’s boards must understand that transparency and accountability are just as important to investors and shareholders as the need to keep pace with new opportunities, new security threats, and new global and economic developments. In order to keep up with those demands, boards must seek best-in-class governance technology that can not

Come scegliere una soluzione di Endpoint Protection

EDR o HIPS: quale approccio per bloccare efficacemente i cyberattacchi sofisticati? Secondo l’ANSSI, tra il 2019 e il 2020, il numero di vittime di cyber-attacchi è aumentato di quattro volte. Da un rapporto del Senato francese, è emerso che i cyber-criminali ne hanno approfittato, portando a un aumento degli attacchi di phishing del 66,7% registrato

The Auth0 Identity Maturity Framework

Auth0 has combined our expertise in solving identity challenges with our customers’ collective knowledge and experience to establish a set of best practices and expert advice called the Auth0 Identity Maturity Framework. Created alongside some of our biggest clients, it’s a collaborative tool we use to measure and quantify the effectiveness of your identity solution

7 Things You Need to Know About Passwordless Authentication

Passwordless takes the guesswork out of secure, frictionless authentication — an increasingly urgent priority as customer experience moves online. Seamless authentication cultivates customer trust and can improve conversion rates, since a user frustrated by a clunky login or checkout process is likely to abandon their shopping cart without making a purchase. In this paper, we’ll