
CIAM Customer Success Stories

Customers’ expectations are rising. With plenty of choice in where they do business online, they’ve become impatient with clunky logins, complicated account creation and irrelevant content. Users expect every digital interaction to be effortless, private and secure – and any frustration or delay will often lead to abandoned baskets, and a customer lost to competitors

API Access Management

This whitepaper describes the modern API security landscape and how to effectively leverage OAuth 2.0 and API gateways for authentication and authorization from both an infrastructure and software development mindset. To date, most organizations have had hard boundaries between system administrators and their software development teams, where they occasionally interact, rarely coordinate, and never collaborate.

Juniper partners have the advantage: AI-driven networks

Huge opportunities await resellers and service providers who are ready to build their portfolio around smart, automated networking technology. Over the last two years, Juniper has created the world’s first truly AI-driven network – across Wired, Wireless and SD-WAN. Customers from education to retail, healthcare, enterprise, and public sector have already experienced the result. And

Mind the Gap: una roadmap per la convergenza IT/OT

Le moderne operazioni industriali spesso comprendono complesse infrastrutture informatiche (IT, Information Technology) e operative (OT, Operational Technology). In un ambiente normale, esistono migliaia di dispositivi, sempre più connessi tramite l’Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Questo crea nuove sfide per la sicurezza degli ambienti industriali, rendendo le vulnerabilità e le minacce informatiche più difficili da rilevare,

The Scottish Government: Centralise and secure their network to offer a better experience for their agencies and for their customers

Scotland’s government is responsible for addressing the daily concerns of the 5 million Scottish people and their digital experience is key to solving issues. The Scottish Government transformed its network infrastructure to meet the connectivity needs of their customers and their institutions. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, Freedom Communications – a GCI Group Company, Computacenter and Sol Distribution

Wembley Park: Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise brings smart city technology to next-generation living

Quintain was challenged to create a smart city environment with next-generation fibre-to-premises technology. To do this they needed to build a resilient service provider network to provide high-speed internet services with up to gigabit speeds, to the 7000 new homes, retail, and office buildings. In addition, an outdoor transmission network was necessary to provide connectivity

Why Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) matters for medium and large enterprises

Companies must think ahead and future-proof their business through digital transformation by protecting communications with a strong cloud infrastructure. Thanks to an end-to-end portfolio, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise offers public and private cloud solutions that meet the needs of your company, now and in the future. We have an offer that suits your environment, either fully cloud-based

Smart highways reduce congestion and save lives

The proliferation of Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) and advancements in safety that result from the technological innovations that are underway will be visible for all to see. These are outcomes that require transforming the existing foundation upon which ITS is built. Integrating the devices and systems that enable the ITS ecosystem to function demands fast,