
Breve storia dello zero trust L’approccio che ha rivoluzionato la sicurezza informatica: da un semplice concetto a uno strumento essenziale

Lo zero trust rappresenta una rivoluzione nel modo in cui proteggiamo i dati, colleghiamo le persone e accediamo alle risorse. Ma come siamo arrivati a questo? Quali debolezze nella sicurezza della rete legacy hanno fatto sì che il concetto di architettura zero trust assumesse così tanta rilevanza? Questo white paper esamina più di vent’anni di

DEMO: Microsoft Teams Backup

Although Teams data has its own basic retention, Microsoft doesn’t fully protect against accidental deletion or security threats that lead to data loss, nor does it enable long-term retention for compliance or regulatory purposes. Whether it’s Teams or your entire Office 365 environment, it’s your data — you control it — and it is your

#1 Microsoft 365 Backup Guide by Veeam

Read this #1 Microsoft 365 Backup Guide by Veeam and learn about the infrastructure components, and how simple it is to use Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 — from the early planning stage all the way to performing restores. In this short, easy-to-read Guide from Veeam, you’ll learn: • How to plan your Office 365

Driving value with better decision-making

With risks around every corner, directors and executives need technology that can evolve as quickly as the business environment. Otherwise, they may fail to make the right decisions at critical times — and expose their organizations to costly risks. It’s a lot to keep up with. But with this checklist, organized into four key competencies of