
2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ For Security Service Edge

Lookout named a visionary in the 2022 SSE Magic Quadrant Security service edge (SSE) converges cloud-centric security capabilities to facilitate secure access to the web, cloud services (SaaS), and private applications. SSE enables organizations to support anywhere, anytime workers using a cloud-centric approach for enforcement of security policies, while being able to monitor and track behavior

Capacità critiche di Gartner® 2022 per i servizi di sicurezza Edge

Lookout SSE ha ottenuto un punteggio tra i primi tre per tutti e quattro i casi d’uso. Il Gartner Critical Capabilities for Security Service Edge (SSE), un’aggiunta al Gartner Magic Quadrant, è un’analisi comparativa che assegna un punteggio ai prodotti o servizi rispetto a una serie di fattori critici di differenziazione identificati da Gartner e

Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ 2022 per i servizi di sicurezza Edge

Lookout è stata nominata visionaria nel Magic Quadrant SSE 2022 Il Security Service Edge (SSE) fa convergere le funzionalità di sicurezza cloud-centriche per facilitare l’accesso sicuro al Web, ai servizi cloud (SaaS) e alle applicazioni private. L’SSE consente alle organizzazioni di supportare i lavoratori ovunque e in qualsiasi momento, utilizzando un approccio cloud-centrico per l’applicazione

Six MUST DOs for a successful Wi-Fi 6 migration

It was only a few short years ago that Wi-Fi 5 was at the top of network administrators minds. Consumers, businesses, government centers, educational institutions, hospitals, the hospitality industry and mass transit systems such as airports and train stations, all welcomed higher speeds and the benefits of 802.11ac. While some were early adopters and chose

Durch effizientes Datenmanagement Kosten senken und zeitgleich Daten schützen

Die Komplexität Ihrer Umgebung wird weiter zunehmen. Hybrid Cloud, Virtualisierung, SaaS und Edge werden sich als strategische Grundpfeiler der modernen Geschäftswelt durchsetzen und weiterentwickeln. Vielmehr müssen Sie daran arbeiten, das Datenmanagement und den Datenschutz effizienter zu gestalten. Das bedeutet: • Kostenoptimierung und effizientere Verwaltung bei Cloud-Speichern • Zentralisierter Scale-Out Datenschutz über unterschiedliche Umgebungen hinweg •

Gérer efficacement les données pour réduire leurs coûts et renforcer leur protection

Apporter simplicité, adaptabilité et sécurité dans votre environnement évolutif Dès lors qu’une entreprise fonde son activité sur les données, leur gestion efficace devient une priorité critique. Alors que l’innovation est la clé du succès, votre équipe doit s’attacher à exploiter les nouvelles technologies, à soutenir les initiatives stratégiques et à établir des prévisions à une

Okta’s Ransomware Prevention Checklist

While ransomware is far from new, the rapid, global shift towards a new hybrid work culture that operates both inside and outside of the perimeter means organisations today are more vulnerable to attacks than ever before. While there’s no silver bullet when it comes to protecting your organisation from ransomware attacks, this guide will explore