
Choose the right automation platform for Microsoft Azure

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform on Microsoft Azure, a managed application, helps IT organizations quickly automate and scale in a cloud environment, with the flexibility to deliver any application, anywhere, without additional overhead or complexity. Enterprises using Microsoft Azure can now use those same powerful features with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform on Azure with

Bring instant automation to Microsoft Azure

Moving to a cloud environment brings numerous advantages for organizations. One advantage is reducing the IT and infrastructure expenses needed to run and maintain hardware and software. Moving to a cloud environment also introduces opportunities to streamline business processes that can potentially save costs and time across the organization. But these moves also present new

Automate your hybrid cloud at scale

IT automation can help you maximize the value of your cloud investments to support digital initiatives and innovation. Accordingly, 80% of business executives say adopting IT automation is “extremely important” or “very important” to the future success of their organization. Cloud automation—applying IT automation to cloud technologies—can help you overcome the operational challenges associated with

Hybrid Cloud Wins Rely on Data Protection

This collaborative e-brief between Veeam® and MIT Tech Review highlights the embrace of hybrid cloud happening at an impressive rate. With this growth, we bring data security and protection into sharp focus. Here are some standardized data protection keys for hybrid cloud wins. Consistently protect and manage all data to accelerate cloud while avoiding lock-in.

Cybersicurezza: al centro dell’industria del ransomware

Gli attacchi ransomware sono in aumento e minacciano l’equilibrio economico e la longevità di numerose aziende e organizzazioni. Non passa settimana senza che un’impresa o amministrazione venga attaccata e riceva una richiesta di riscatto. In 30 anni siamo passati da un programma malevolo su floppy disk che esigeva un centinaio di dollari a un’industria criminale

Modern Governance Guide for Security Professionals

The technology, processes and skills that today’s companies need are evolving as quickly as the business landscape. Organisations must be all at once more informed, more secure, more collaborative and more purpose-driven. Modern governance equips organisations with the tools they need to protect data, streamline collaboration and ultimately drive better decision-making.

4 tips to ensure your board is ready for a successful AGM

The 2022 AGM season is on course to see unprecedented levels of challenge for boards and businesses. As stakeholder capitalism continues to evolve and ESG topics take centre stage, leadership teams and governance professionals need to be primed and ready with the data and insight they need to present and defend key strategic decisions.