
2023 Definitive Guide to Veeam

Data is the fuel of business, and at Veeam®, we are committed to keeping your business running. To achieve this goal, Veeam enables true data resiliency through a broad platform that provides data security, data recovery and data freedom for your hybrid cloud. With 450,000+ customers in 180+ countries, and 25+ major and updated product

Security Readiness with Veeam Data Platform

Veeam Data Platform advances enterprise-grade recovery capabilities to give you confidence in the face of cyber-attacks. We believe the best way to respond to emerging threats is to provide a platform that allows you to protect more and recover faster, all from a single platform. In this session, we will discuss how new features like

WP: 12 Reasons Why Veeam is The Best VMware Backup Solution

Virtualization comes standard in the modern datacenter and VMware is the driving force of modernization for most organizations. VMware backup is essential to the datacenter and must be considered when planning your data protection strategy. In this paper, learn more about how Veeam differentiates and stands above the competition when protecting VMware with: – 1

VMware Backup For Dummies

Your virtual machines are at the heart of all that your business does, hosting practically any workload from mission-critical backup applications to dev/test environments. In VMware Backup For Dummies, find out how you can implement agentless backup to ensure seamless recovery of critical workloads. Dive in to discover the best recovery methods and data protection

Top Five Risks When Operating in the Cloud

Most organizations today operate in the cloud. By taking advantage of the scalability and ease of operation of cloud services, you can enhance productivity and collaboration while reducing operational costs. And when you’re using someone else’s infrastructure, you don’t have to worry about upkeep, which means you can more easily expand capacity and recover from

Content Services Platform Solutions, 2023

During the COVID-19 pandemic, companies had to adapt and be agile to survive. In 2023, they will face new challenges due to the economic downturn, with some countries expected to be hit harder than others. This means looking for cost savings and efficiencies by implementing solutions such as content service platforms. This report compares solutions

Choosing Governance Based Enterprise Content Management

Buyer’s Guide to Electronic Document and Content Management The purpose of this ECM Buyer’s Guide is to provide organizations with a concise overview of how to select an ECM system that will also support information governance best practices, as well as how to scope and plan a project based on business needs and objectives.This buyer’s

Date nuovo valore alle vostre tecnologie in scadenza

Con la crescente necessità di ridurre i costi, abbracciare la flessibilità e l’agilità e tenere il passo con la modernizzazione, molte aziende scelgono di migrare verso il cloud. In molti casi, questa ricerca di trasformazione è guidata da un’esigenza aziendale critica. Con il rapido avvicinarsi delle scadenze di fine vita (EOL) di Microsoft per SQL