
Guida all’acquisto degli strumenti di prevenzione delle minacce

Migliora la tua strategia di sicurezza con la protezione dalle minacce basata sull’intelligenza artificiale. Gli aggressori sono sempre a caccia di falle nella sicurezza per lanciare attacchi e guadagnare l’accesso alle tue risorse di valore e ai dati sensibili. Neutralizza le minacce con una piattaforma dinamica e zero trust che offre la prevenzione dei malware

Tutelare i dati in un mondo cui si lavora da qualsiasi luogo

“Con le app cloud ampiamente distribuite e i dipendenti che lavorano da qualsiasi luogo, la protezione dei dati non è mai stata tanto complessa. Gli approcci tradizionali alla protezione dei dati faticano a seguire gli utenti al di fuori della rete, non sono in grado di scalare per ispezionare l’SSL e non offrono un quadro

Busting nove miti sulle minacce basate sui file

I file possono celare ransomware, malware, spyware e fastidiosi grayware e adware. Il motivo per cui gli attacchi basati su file continuano a persistere è perché gli utenti, anche quelli attenti alla sicurezza e alla privacy, accedono alla posta elettronica e navigano su Internet pensando che esistano già le dovute protezioni. Sono infatti molti i

EU-US Data Privacy Framework: resource kit

On July 10, 2023, the European Commission adopted its adequacy decision for the EU-US Data Privacy Framework. It came after 18 months of negotiations following the invalidation of its predecessor, the EU-US Privacy Shield.  The EU-US DPF restores an important mechanism for the cross-border transfer of personal data and introduces limitations on US surveillance agencies’

EU-US Data Privacy Framework: Your questions answered

The European Commission’s adequacy decision for the EU-US Data Privacy Framework is the latest chapter in the story of trans-Atlantic data transfers. While the adoption of such a decision has been long anticipated, its arrival has thrown up several questions about applicability, certification, impact, and other poignant topics related to the framework. These are your

Accelerate the mission to serve in government

Government agencies are on a mission to provide seamless and secure services that build trust. To succeed, they must navigate disconnected, legacy technology, increasing cyber security threats and limited resources while lowering costs. Download this guide and learn how governments can accelerate their mission using a single digital platform to provide end-to-end services, and discover

Customer insight – Public Sector Testimonials

At ServiceNow’s Knowledge 2023 event, attendees were thrilled by presentations showcasing how our customers are building the future of business on the intelligent platform for end-to-end digital transformation. In this collection of customer testimonials, you will hear digital transformation stories from public sector agencies located all over the world. Read how U.S. Department of State,

Improving the resilience and security of operational technology in the energy industry

Operational technology (OT) is the heartbeat of energy companies, and it’s becoming more advanced (and complex) every year. Industrial Internet of Things connectivity and digital transformation happening within the industry is bridging the organizational silos between OT and IT. Now, many plants hace become a highly interconnected environment of smart sensors, connected technologies, and data

Digital engagement best practices

Businesses worldwide have seen a massive acceleration in demand for digital products and services. And 80% of customers now consider their experience with a company to be as important as its product. That means companies must engage smarter — combining the best of AI and human support so customers and employees get what they need