
Accelerate the mission to serve in government

Government agencies are on a mission to provide seamless and secure services that build trust. To succeed, they must navigate disconnected, legacy technology, increasing cyber security threats and limited resources while lowering costs. Download this guide and learn how governments can accelerate their mission using a single digital platform to provide end-to-end services, and discover

Customer insight – Public Sector Testimonials

At ServiceNow’s Knowledge 2023 event, attendees were thrilled by presentations showcasing how our customers are building the future of business on the intelligent platform for end-to-end digital transformation. In this collection of customer testimonials, you will hear digital transformation stories from public sector agencies located all over the world. Read how U.S. Department of State,

Improving the resilience and security of operational technology in the energy industry

Operational technology (OT) is the heartbeat of energy companies, and it’s becoming more advanced (and complex) every year. Industrial Internet of Things connectivity and digital transformation happening within the industry is bridging the organizational silos between OT and IT. Now, many plants hace become a highly interconnected environment of smart sensors, connected technologies, and data

Verso migliori pratiche di sicurezza aziendale nell’era del cloud: adottare politiche Zero Trust su un’architettura SASE è la strada da seguire

La sicurezza tradizionale, incentrata sulla protezione delle reti e delle risorse aziendali on-premise, non è facilmente o auspicabilmente applicabile alle reti e alle risorse distribuite nel cloud. È necessario un nuovo modello di protezione aziendale e la risposta a questa esigenza è rappresentata dalle policy Zero Trust implementate su un’architettura SASE. Questo white paper di

Ottieni il massimo dal tuo data fabric con Tableau

Ogni azienda oggi ha a che fare con i dati e questa evoluzione ha avuto significative conseguenze sui mezzi utilizzati per gestirli. I processi che un tempo consentivano l’acquisizione, l’archiviazione, l’elaborazione e la gestione dei dati sono ormai superati, a causa dell’aumento del volume e della varietà dei dati aziendali, facendo emergere delle vulnerabilità nelle

Governance per Tableau

Consentire a tutti l’accesso ai dati, ovunque si trovino, è indispensabile per le aziende. Oggi le risposte alle principali sfide aziendali, come la necessità di ottenere di più con meno risorse, provengono dai dati: dobbiamo solo scoprirle. Questa guida spiega come la governance in Tableau genera affidabilitàe sicurezza definendo controlli, ruoli e processi ripetibili in

Lifecycle Security for Legacy Linux Platforms

It’s a common challenge for network equipment companies: The priority is creating breakthrough innovations, not supporting and maintaining legacy software on deployed equipment. But the unfortunate consequence, all too often, is a buildup of technical debt, higher security risks, and unstable software platforms. In the case of one long-term Wind River® customer, a network equipment

5 security best practices for Linux at the intelligent edge

In 2022, more than 25,000 CVEs were reported, a 25% increase over 2021. New cybersecurity mandates and stricter supply chain security policies are direct responses to the increasing threat landscape for critical infrastructure systems. Software developers building and deploying Linux platforms for intelligent edge devices and systems are feeling the impact. A stronger security posture