
The Economics of Penetration Testing for Web Application Security

Web Application Security is a big challenge for developers und cybersecurity experts confronted with the fast pace of DevOps code changes. Penetration tests are among the many tools used for security, which is an authorized simulated cyberattack from a hacker’s perspective. “Pen tests” provide a deep dive look into a web app’s state of security,

Keeping your External Attack Surface Under Control

You can’t stop the expansion of your external attack surface, but you can identify unknown assets and their vulnerabilities to mitigate the security risk. External attack surfaces expand due to modern software development practices, mergers and acquisitions, the adoption of multi-cloud strategies and much more. Many organizations find it difficult to monitor these changes and

[New research] Outpost24 Report Benchmarks Benelux Region’s Attack Surface Security

Download the comprehensive report benchmarking the cybersecurity posture of five key industries in the Benelux region Discover how your organization’s cyber security posture compares across the Benelux region with our latest research in this free PDF whitepaper. Our comprehensive report, utilizing advanced External Attack Surface Management (EASM) data from Outpost24, benchmarks the security landscapes of